One of the key elements of a multichannel sound system is the subwoofer. It is obligatory for home theater configurations. However, there are difficulties in connecting such an important element of an audio system due to the huge variability of amplifier models and configurations.
We will try to reveal the topic of standard and non-standard connection of subwoofers.
What is a subwoofer?
A subwoofer is a speaker designed to reproduce the low frequencies that are at the lowest sensitivity of the human ear. The term “Subwoofer” is used to describe a woofer system in a separate enclosure. The standard connection method is very simple. A special SUB OUT of an amplifier or receiver is connected to the SUB In of a subwoofer.
The source devise or subwoofer without SUB OUT
Frequent cases when a source device has not specialized out for subwoofer. There are two solutions for connecting a subwoofer:
There may be a third option if the subwoofer is passive. If the subwoofer has two terminals in the back, then the subwoofer is connected to the Pre Out through the amplifier.
Very often, passive subwoofers are connected in parallel to the front speakers: